Thank you for choosing Flashpoint Computer Services ("FPCS") for your information technology needs. We aim for 100% satisfaction with all of our products and services, and strive
to provide the highest level of service to every customer, large or small.
Upon requesting our services or accepting an estimate provided by us, the following terms will apply. By paying an invoice, you/your business are agreeing to them.
General Information:
Payment Terms:
- All checks should be made payable to Flashpoint Computer Services, LLC.
- Checks should be mailed to our offices at the address above.
- Direct deposit options are available upon request. We do not accept credit cards. Cash is accepted for in-person payments of under $100 only.
- Payment is due within 15 days of date on invoice.
- Overdue balances may be assessed a late fee.
- Accounts outstanding beyond 90 days will be considered in default and may be referred to an outside collections agency.
- Customer will be responsible for any and all collections fees, attorney fees, and/or court costs associated with defaulted accounts.
- Checks returned Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) will be subject to the greater of bank fees charged to FPCS, or $30.00, per Alabama law.
- On-site services will be billed at $80.00 per hour, billed in hour increments, unless otherwise negotiated.
- Remote-access services will be billed at $80.00 per hour, billed in half-hour increments, unless otherwise negotiated.
- A minimum of one hour will be billed for all services.
- Web design, application development, long-term contracts, and other services may be negotiated per-contract.
- Travel time and/or greater service minimums may apply for some destinations, to be negotiated prior to service.
Updated: March 22, 2022